Your customers may be initially attracted to your business because of your product, but they return because of the service they receive. They key to providing outstanding service is to understanding your needs and desires, as well as their feelings and emotions. Dialogue trains service professionals how to improve their interpersonal communication skills. Your employees are encouraged to develop their own unique personality to connect with customers before offering solutions. Employee engagement is the amazing side benefit.
- Active Listening
- Problem Solving Skills
- Maintaining a Positive Attitude
- Managing Stress & Preventing Burnout

Sales Coaching
Dialogue coaches salespeople to treat every client interaction as a conversation, not a transaction. Developing quality relationships with customers requires a sales person to possess excellent communication skills. It starts with the very first conversation and continues through every stage of follow-up & follow through. Our coaching process includes group workshops for your entire sales team, followed by individual coaching sessions to maximize the unique personality strengths of each salesperson.
- Conversation Skills
- Networking
- Relationship Management
- Gathering Customer Insight

Public Speaking & Presentation Delivery
Few promotional tools are as dynamic as a well-executed sales presentation. Combining visual, auditory, and emotional information, presentations have the ability to communicate effectively with people of all learning types. Dialogue coaches individuals how to write and deliver compelling presentations that move people to take action. Both verbal & non-verbal skills are developed to communicate with confidence and competence.
- Speech Development
- Audience Focused Messaging
- Vocal Variety
- Body Language
Marketing Communication Strategy
Every message that you communicate to your customers is the start of a conversation, a relationship with each customer. Dialogue teaches marketing and social media professionals how to communicate promotional messages in a format the encourages customer engagement. The Dialogue approach directs companies to always follow the Five Cs of Conversational Marketing.
- Customer
- Content
- Channel
- Conversation
- Calendar